She was born in 1966 in Chiampo, near Vicenza.
After getting the degree in Art in 1986 and in Sculpture in 1990, she started teaching.
She has been teaching Artistic Anatomy at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice since 1992 and also Illustration since 2003.
She is also interested in humour graphic art.
Since 1984 she has partecipated to hundreds of exhibitions of humour graphic and illustration in Italy and in the world.
She has been awarded a large number of prizes.
Some of her works are present in the following museums of humour art: Bajardo, Bronzolo, Tolentino, Istanbul, Tehran, Zemun and in the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.
She took part in some panels, such as VIII Rassegna Nazionale della Vignetta Umoristica “Premio Saverio Memmo” in Lanciano, the I Biennale Internazionale di Humor Grafico “Vino, humour e… fantasia” , the IX Festival Internazionale di Humor Grafico in 2006 and 2nd International Cartoon Contest Olive in Cyprus in 2009.
She collaborated with many Italian newspapers and magazines, such as Il Corriere della Sera (ViviMilano, CorrierEconomia, CorriereSoldi, CorriereLavoro, CorriereScuola), but also Il fatto quotidiano, Diario, Gente Money, Borsa & Finanza, Avvenimenti, Salute Naturale, Il nostro budget, Monthly, etc.
She realized the illustrations of the animated fairy tale “How deserts were born” for the tv program “The moon upside down”.
You can find her in the Dictionary of contemporary illustrators, edited by E. Bragaglia and T. Grossi, published by Centro di documentazione dell'Illustrazione Contemporanea, Bronzolo, Bolzano.
“She can draw anything: love, health, children, business & finance.
Always with a light touch, irony and a remarkable sense of humour.”
(Luca Novelli, Grafica & Disegno, N. 37)